Tashkent Submarket Map

The city center is a place where public buildings and structures of urban/regional significance, including cultural, administrative and others, are concentrated.

The actual center of Tashkent is Independence Square (Mustakillik Square) with a group of administrative buildings, but significant cultural and shopping centers of activity are located in a significant area around it.


In world practice, it is customary to distinguish the central and outer core of the city. For example, in Moscow, the central core is the territory inside the Garden Ring, and in Paris – the area bounded by the Peripheral Boulevard. Important in this method of determining the central core is the poor connectivity between the central and external core, often limited by the trunk.

A similar approach was applied in Tashkent. The central core is bounded by a small ring road. It includes most of the administrative, cultural, entertainment and retail points of attraction.

The definition of sub-markets is necessary to track more detailed information about the development of various parts of the city.

In different regions , the identification of sub-markets occurs in two ways:

•Division by administrative districts of the city;

•Division in other ways (Clustering, Quarterly division, etc.)


Proposed sub-markets

Based on the cluster analysis, taking into account historical prerequisites and physical distinctions (highways, parks, rivers), a map of the sub-markets of the city of Tashkent was developed.

The Central Business District in Tashkent consists of 4 sub -markets:

NCBD – Northern part of the business district

CBD – The central part of the business district

SCBD – Southern part of the business district

TC – Tashkent City

In each of them, key objects were identified and GLA, GLA, the average rate for the sub-market and other indicators were calculated.

Tracking the indicators of each sub-market allows you to see the dynamics of the commercial real estate market at a more detailed level, thereby facilitating the inflow of capital into investment projects and the choice of an office for local and international companies.

Parameters \
Sub - market
Total area (GLA), sqm207 76974 5609 21420 856114 527426 926
Class А65 1770020 856086 033
Class B142 59274 5609 2140114 527340 893
Vacancy (total) 12,11%3,7%2,2%B/S*<1%6,2%
Class А23,2%--0-17,6%
Class B7%1,1%2,2%- 3,4%
Under construction (total) 44 03865 82448 425188 20245 161391 650
Class А34 270048 425188 2020270 897
Class B9 76865 8240045 161120 753
Average net rate (total)$23,5$23,06$25,71B/S*$18,83$23,1
Class А$33,3--B/S*-$33,3
Class B$21,1$23,06$25,71-$18,83$21,7