
1. Analysis of the Project location and urban environment:

The current position of the project in the urban structure is assessed: accessibility for transport, availability of key infrastructure facilities (schools, hospitals, shopping centers), as well as the overall attractiveness of the area for living and work.
The analysis of the immediate environment is carried out: the density of buildings, the level of development of transport networks, the availability of parks, recreational areas and other public spaces that can increase the attractiveness of the project.

2. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of potential sources of demand with a forecast for 3-5 years:

Assessment of demographic characteristics of the population in the project coverage area, such as age, income level and type of employment, which helps to identify the target audience.
Potential growth or decrease in demand for various types of real estate (housing, offices, hotels) is predicted, depending on economic, demographic and social trends for the next 3-5 years.

3. Building a model of the Project coverage areas, taking into account automobile and pedestrian traffic:

Models are being developed to understand how traffic and pedestrian flows will affect the attendance and accessibility of the project.
Coverage areas for different types of businesses (retail, hotels, business centers) are determined, taking into account distances to major transport hubs, walking routes and other centers of attraction.

4. Research of the competitive environment and assessment of the level of competition:

The analysis of existing facilities (hotels, retail, business centers) in the project coverage area is carried out in order to understand what offers already exist on the market.
The price categories of competitors, their level of service, unique offers and other factors affecting the competitiveness of the project are evaluated.

5. Identification of key areas of integrated development:

Based on the collected data and demand analysis, the directions that will help the project occupy the most profitable market niche are determined.
The requirements of the target audience are taken into account, which allows you to focus on those services and functions that are most in demand (for example, offices for startups or hotels for business travelers).

6. Drawing conclusions and recommendations on market capacity and business lines:

Conclusions are being drawn as to which market segments (housing, commercial space, hotels) are the most promising for the project, taking into account the competitive situation and demand forecasts.
Business lines are being identified that will help strengthen the competitive position of the project, for example, the offer of exclusive retail space or innovative office spaces.

7. To form building hypotheses as a preliminary task for architects:

Based on the marketing analysis, preliminary proposals for architects are formed, describing the types of buildings, their functions and location.
The hypotheses include proposals on building density, building height and distribution of various functional zones (residential, commercial, public), which becomes the basis for subsequent design.

Alexey Letunovskiy
Head of Research and Consultancy +998 94 777 01 68